What Causes Clogged Pores?

When it comes to skincare concerns, clogged pores are among the most common. If these small openings on the surface of the skin become blocked, it may result in a range of issues from blackheads to severe acne. 

Understanding what causes clogged pores is key to preventing and treating this common condition.

In the following blog, we’ll look at some of the most common causes of clogged pores on the face and discuss some of the most effective ways to treat or prevent clogged pores. 

What Are Clogged Pores? 

Without getting highly technical, pores are tiny openings in the skin that allow sweat and oil to escape. This process not only regulates the body’s temperature, it also helps keep skin hydrated. 

However, if pores become clogged, it can lead to a variety of skin problems, including blackheads, whiteheads and acne. Although acne is a skincare issue that is usually seen as something that affects teenagers and young adults, clogged pores can affect anyone, regardless of skin type or age. 

How Do Pores Become Clogged? 

Understanding what clogged pores are and what skincare issues they may produce is easier than identifying what causes this condition. This is because clogged pores are typically caused by one of several different factors. 

Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common causes of clogged pores: 

Clogged Pores Caused By Excess Oil

One of the most common causes of clogged pores is excess oil production. 

When the sebaceous glands in the skin produce too much oil, it mixes with dead skin cells and other debris. When these elements combine, they form a blockage in the pore. If the blockage becomes infected with bacteria that the skin encounters every day, this skin forms pimples, blackheads and whiteheads.

Clogged Pores Caused By Dead Skin Cells

Even if the skin isn’t producing excessive amounts of oil, dead skin cells can still contribute to clogged pores. Since our bodies shed dead skin cells regularly and replace them with new, healthy cells, they are essentially performing their own natural exfoliation. 

Yet, if these dead skin cells aren't properly removed, they accumulate on the skin’s surface and mix with normal amounts of oil and various contaminants encountered every day. This results in clogged pores.

Clogged Pores Caused By Environmental Factors

Environmental factors are also a common contributor to clogged pores. For instance, dirt, pollutants, and other airborne particles can settle on the skin and become trapped in the pores.  This may lead to inflammation which can then cause acne. 

Additionally, sweat and humidity can also cause pores to expand, making them more susceptible to clogging.

Clogged Pores Caused By Poor Skincare Habits

Poor skincare habits are also a common contributing factor to clogged pores. Failing to frequently cleanse the skin thoroughly or using harsh, abrasive cleaning products can irritate the skin. When this occurs, it disrupts the natural balance of the skin which causes inflammation and results in acne. 

Similarly, using unwashed makeup brushes or sharing skincare products with friends and family can introduce bacteria and other impurities to the skin, exacerbating clogged pores.

Clogged Pores Caused By Cosmetics And Skincare Products

Another common cause of clogged pores may involve the types of products used on our skin. Using cosmetics and skincare products that are formulated with considerable amounts of comedogenic ingredients such as mineral oil, cocoa butter, lanolin alcohol and olive oil may result in clogged pores. 

When applied to the skin, these and other comedogenic ingredients can create a barrier that traps dirt, bacteria, and other impurities inside the pores. This may result in significant and unsightly acne breakouts.

How To Treat Clogged Pores

As you can see, there are many common everyday factors that can lead to clogged pores. Fortunately, there are a variety of simple steps you can take to prevent and treat clogged pores. 

Here’s how to get rid of clogged pores:

Develop And Follow A Good Skincare Routine 

The first step is to establish a consistent, good skincare routine that includes gentle cleansing and exfoliation to remove dirt, oil, and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. Doing so helps prevent these contaminants from becoming trapped in the pores.

Choose The Right Cosmetics And Skincare Products 

Choosing cosmetics, makeup and skincare products that are free of or use minimal amounts of comedogenic ingredients is also an important step in preventing clogged pores. Look for products that are labeled as oil-free, non-acnegenic, or non-comedogenic, as these are less likely to include pore-clogging ingredients. 

Danucera's D22 Tonic is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a non-comedogenic skincare product that effectively exfoliates, tightens skin, reduces wrinkles, and, most importantly, helps  unclog pores. In a recent clinical study of D22 Tonic , 95% of those tested reported smaller pores. 

Specially formulated using key natural ingredients such as birch water, grape flower cell extract, and lactic and glycolic acids, D22 Tonic is suited for all skin types and is the perfect foundation for a morning or evening skincare routine.

The Best Way To Unclog Pores

Now that you know the common causes of clogged pores and the most effective ways to treat and prevent them, it’s time to put this new knowledge into practice. 

By taking the steps above and adding Danucera's D22 Tonic to your everyday skincare routine you’ll help prevent clogged pores and enjoy glowing skin! 

Explore our site today to learn more about our products and shop for D22 Tonic and other solutions for your skincare needs.

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