Beauty Editor, Hannah Baxter, Lists D22 Tonic as One of Her Go-to Exfoliants

In the realm of beauty, there are aficionados, and then there's Hannah Baxter, a seasoned beauty editor whose expertise transcends the ordinary. With a career spanning over a decade, her discerning eye has handpicked key products that have graced her two iconic Top Shelves.

When it comes to skincare, Hannah's routine is as meticulous as it is effective. For gentle exfoliation, she reaches for our Danucera D22 Tonic which earns her praise for offering a soothing touch without compromising efficacy. She also highlights that a visit to Danuta Mieloch's sanctuary at Rescue Spa for a facial is akin to a religious experience, leaving her complexion impeccably refined. 

Intrigued by Hannah's meticulous regimen and expertly curated favorites? Read more at ITG.

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