The Cut - Cerabalm is "The Best Mask for Rosacea"

As many as 16 million Americans experience facial redness, commonly referred to as a rosacea. With that being said, finding the right products to reduce or prevent flare ups of rosacea can be challenging. The Cut has rounded up the best products for over-the-counter skincare that can help calm redness, even out bumps and subdue other symptoms like puffiness and dryness. 

The Cut editors have selected Cerabalm as one of “The Best Masks for Rosacea”!

“This clean skin-care product, which nourishes and hydrates skin, isn’t your average balm. In fact, it works as a cleanser, a moisturizer, and a mask, all in one. And while Cerabalm can be used to brighten and illuminate skin, it is also “ideal for those with rosacea and redness,” according to Danucera and Rescue Spa founder Danuta Mieloch.”

In addition to its multi-purpose use, Cerabalm also “helps prevent flare ups”. Mieloch recommends avoiding “extreme sun exposure, excessively hot and cold temperatures, and spicy food. Additionally, refrain from mixing products containing fragrance, silicons, and parabens to avoid skin irritation.

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